Alter Ego Roleplay Wiki

López is Looking       10th June

The Council have raised concerns about Optivus teen Lyra López, our sources have revealed. She apparently is 'a threat to society' and have sent C.L.E.O to hunt her down and kill her on the spot if she is found. This may be more complicated than it seems,says Dahlia Moon, a Council representative.

"The C.L.E.O squad contains Lyra's twin sister Lysandra." Dahlia explained. That sounds ominous indeed. But the concern about her, too, was revealed- which shows less than positive things about our council, and plunges us deep into some of our greatest mysteries.

The reason is connected to the late Eponine Squires, founder of Optivus. The beginning of Optivus,enemies of the Council in every imaginable way, came about half a century ago, when Eponine Squires, a middle aged blonde man, found that dark doings were happening, and he suspected the Council of being the perpetrators.

Opposite the main council building was a set of fields and houses that the Council rented out to citizens. Squires, interested, examined the behavioural traits of the occupants suspiciously. His report lies somewhere unknown to anyone- and young Optivus scientist Lyra is endeavouring to find it. What mysteries could unfold?

Squires mysteriously died soon after he wrote his report. The secrets lie in his decaying mind; does our Council have something to hide? 
